Philip Pettit is L.S. Rockefeller University Professor of Politics and Human Values at Princeton, and Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the ANU. His books include Republicanism (1997), The Economy of Esteem (2004), with G.Brennan; Group Agency (2011) with C. List; On the People’s Terms (2012); Just Freedom (2014);and The Robust Demands of the Good (2015). He is a Fellow of the Australian Academies of Humanities and Social Sciences as well as the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the British Academy and the Royal Irish Academy. Common Minds: Themes from the Philosophy of Philip Pettit, ed G.Brennan, R.Goodin, F.Jackson and M.Smith, appeared from OUP in 2007.
Yale NUS President’s Speaker Series: Daniel Bell & Philip Pettit – A Debate on “How Much Democracy? How Much Meritocracy?”
Daniel Bell, Chair Professor of the Schwarzman Scholars program at Tsinghua University in Beijing and Director of the Berggruen Philosophy and Culture Center, debates Philip Pettit, L.S. Rockefeller University Professor of Politics and Human Values at Princeton and Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the ANU, on the topic “How Much Democracy? How Much Meritocracy?”
About the Speakers:
Daniel A. Bell (贝淡宁)was born in Montreal and educated at McGill and Oxford. He is Chair Professor of the Schwarzman Scholars program at Tsinghua University in Beijing and director of the Berggruen Philosophy and Culture Center. He has held teaching posts in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Shanghai and research fellowships at Princeton, Stanford, and Hebrew University. His talk will draw on his recently published book “The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy (Princeton University Press). His other books include “Spirit of Cities”, “China’s New Confucianism”, “Beyond Liberal Democracy”, and “East Meets West “(all Princeton University Press), and he is the editor of the Princeton-China Series. He writes frequently for leading media outlets in China and the West and his works have been translated in 23 languages.