Yale Global Health: Global Health Foundations

Global Health Foundations 
Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:45
Hope Building, Room 110
Global Health Foundations, formerly Global Health Seminar, is a weekly seminar that exposes students in the health professions to key issues in global health research and practice.
Upcoming Seminars
September 15 – Local as Global
Aniyizhai Annamalai, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and of Medicine (General Medicine) and Assistant Clinical Professor of Nursing; Director, Adult Refugee clinic; Director, Wellness Center, Connecticut Mental Health Center
September 22 –  Equity, Equality, and Global Health
Gregg Gonsalves, Research Scholar in Law and Lecturer in Law; Co-Director, Global Health Justice Partnership (This session will be in Winslow Auditorium at YSPH)

Alumni: Are you interested in connecting with other alumni around the globe? Create an account today to access the YIA Alumni Map!