Two weeks of music, theater, dance, talks, making, and more = International Festival of Arts & Ideas extravaganza

Musical concerts; theatrical performances; circus acts; bike, walking, and boat tours; picnics and food tastings; films; art viewing and making; lectures about hotly debated topics — all this and more will be offered during the International Festival of Arts & Ideas taking place June 10-25.

The annual two-week festival in downtown New Haven — now in its 21st year — boasts over 170 events, the majority of which are free. Performers include some of the most influential and innovative theater arts, musical, and dance figures from around the world. The festival is one of the biggest arts and cultural events in the New England region, attracting more than 100,000 people to its events.

This year’s festival, its organizers write in the festival brochure, celebrates “who we are, where we come from, and where we live — together — because when you’re there, you’re HERE.” Among the topics that will be explored in the “Ideas” part of the festival, for example, are the refugee crisis, human rights, and the concept of “home” and what it means.

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