The third installment of the Hellenic Studies Department’s dive into the Greek Seas through the lens of film was on the theme of the Mediterranean as refuge. The two films screened highlighted the unique burden which Greece is shouldering within the Syrian refugee crisis. They all featured “both tragedy and triumph” according to Gregory Pappas, executive producer of one of the films screened, Border Souls, who was joined on the discussion panel by Kaveh Khoshnood of the Yale School of Public Health and Chris George, the Executive Director of Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS). The event was cosponsored by the Hellenic Studies Program and the Program on Refugees, Forced Displacement, and Humanitarian Responses at the MacMillan Center. The Greek Seas series is organized by Tassos Kyriakides, Yale School of Public Health, and Charlene Caprio, Yale Alumna (M.A. 2001) and environmental advocate.