Striving for a Better Society

One of the benefits of being a student at the Yale School of Management is the opportunity to listen to speakers with unique vantage points on complex issues around the world. And while leaders visit Yale SOM just about every day, one of the best resources for understanding global issues is part of the university itself: the Yale World Fellows program, which brings mid-career innovators from various sectors to campus for a semester of intensive leadership training.

At the lunchtime meeting of the Business & Politics Club on September 26, two Yale World Fellows visited Yale SOM to discuss issues facing their home countries and their efforts to bring about societal change. Thora Arnorsdottir detailed her campaign to spark a debate in Iceland, in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008, on the kind of society the country should have. Miguel Pulido gave a presentation on how the NGO he leads in Mexico is working to get small, rural farmers more involved in the political process.

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