Instructors from around the country will come to campus both to learn about two key issues facing the world today — the environmental effects of climate changes and food security for a global population expected to exceed 9 billion by 2050 — and to develop ways to teach their students about those problems at the PIER (Program in International Educational Resources) Summer Institute at Yale, taking place July 6–10.
“Global Challenges: Climate Change and Food Security” will examine the complex, interrelated dynamics of this dual challenge on both an international and local level. The intensive, five-day institute will focus generally on Africa and the Middle East — regions already burdened by a high vulnerability to food insecurity. Thirty-four K-12 and community college educators from 11 states will learn from noted scholars, researchers, and policy advisers about the latest findings pertaining to climate variability, as well as from field practitioners who will explore the programs established to address these challenges.