OISS Newsletter!

     In the Fall of 1998, Yale began its process for the Internationalization of Yale, with the Yale Assembly LIII of that same title.  Yale president Richard Levin was preparing his ‘white paper’ to outline his plans for the future of Yale in its next one hundred years, to be announced at the time of Yale’s Tercentennial in 2001, which was to see Yale evolve from a world-class university to becoming a world university.
    Part of this would cause Yale to increase its numbers of international students and scholars, and the shift to need-blind admissions for undergraduates accelerated that process.  Yale early on took steps to plan how to assist these students in comfortably becoming members of the Yale community, and this effort is now handled by the incredible Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS). You can see how incredible OISS is just by [clicking the link below].
    This will be a one-time only posting, but if you would like to subscribe to there exciting newsletter, just [follow the link below].
William Stork
YIA Contributing Editor
As requested by William Stork, the link below leads you to the OISS website and to the “Contact Us” page, where you can subscribe to the newsletter!