New Yale-NUS president Tan Tai Yong visiting Yale

Two men sitting in arm chairs having a conversation

The current president of Yale-NUS, Tan Tai Yong, has been on campus for a 10-day visit to meet with numerous Yale faculty and senior administrators to build upon the robust relationships that have been forged between the university and Yale-NUS College.

While visiting Yale Tan has stayed at Benjamin Franklin College, enjoying the opportunity to fully immerse himself in the Yale community. He has met with President Peter Salovey, Provost Benjamin Polak, and Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences Tamar Gendler, as well as Yale faculty who have taught at Yale-NUS, and representatives from the Faculty Senate. In addition, Tan has reached out to deans and faculty members who are less familiar with Yale-NUS College to provide an update and extend the relationships between the two institutions.