International students and scholars find friendship and community at Yale

Hector Correa and Yiding Ping arrived at Yale late last summer from different corners of the globe for different reasons.

They met at an English conversation group at Yale’s Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS), where they found a community of people — students, scholars, and their spouses — who have come to Yale from abroad. They got to know each other through the conversation group and became fast friends.

Correa, 33, is from Toluca, Mexico. His wife, Susana, is pursuing a master’s degree at the Yale School of Management. Ping, 38, from Nanjing, China, is a visiting scholar in the Department of Astronomy. Correa came to New Haven in August; Ping in mid-September.

“If Yiding lived in Mexico, we would be friends,” Correa said. “When I’m feeling depressed, I can talk to him about things like in any friendship.”

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