Global Citizen Virtual Lecture Series: Journeys

Join the Yale alumni community for a special interactive online program: hear international Yale alumni share their journeys, and maybe share your own in a future series.

The Global Citizen Virtual Lecture Series: Journeys will take place once a week for 3 consecutive weeks this coming April 14th, 21st and 28th.  Select alumni from all over the world will share their own global journeys after Yale.  Each 15 minute talk will be followed by the chance to ask questions and discuss with other audience members. Come to the virtual talk on your own, or forward this email to gather a virtual group of alumni friends to participate together.

Connect with the Yale Community on the interactive webinar platform Shindig. See Bill Gates and others use Shindig here, and get ready to connect with Yale alumni around the world in a new and exciting way!



Anant Jani

Director of Healthcare Systems,
Better Value Healthcare


Dr. Cristina Cruz González

Associate Professor
of Art History
Department of Art, Graphic Design, and Art History
Oklahoma State University


Marvin Rees

Founder and Director
City Leadership Programme

April 14th, 2015

2:00 p.m. (EDT)/ 7:00 p.m. (GMT+1)

April 21st, 2015

2:00 p.m. (EDT)/ 7:00 p.m. (GMT +1)

April 28th, 2015

2:00 p.m. (EDT)/ 7:00 p.m. (GMT+1)

European Healthcare Systems

Click here
to sign into the
Shindig on April 14th


Click here
to sign into the
Shindig on April 21st

Meaningful Leadership

Click here
to sign into the
Shindig on April 28th

Are you interested in speaking opportunities for AYA & Shared Interest Group programming? If so, we are always looking for alumni willing to share their expertise and experience on panels, at conferences, or in the virtual space. Please take a moment to fill out the brief speaker survey and tell us about yourself!  Speaker Survery