A practical and open discussion between Haitian and Dominican thought leaders focused on the environment as a uniting concern towards the creation of a bi-national sustainable development framework. After the webinar the YIA will convene a working group for those interested in continuing the discussions.
The dialogue was locally organized by Gerald McElroy, Yale ’09 (Haiti) and Anton Tejeda, Yale ’88 (Dominican Republic).
When: Thursday, December 2, 2021 | 4:00pm – 5:30pm ET
Where: online
Registration: Register Here
- Professor Gordon Geballe, Associate Dean for Student International Engagement, Lecturer in Urban Ecology Yale School of the Environment
- Dave Fils-Aimé, Yale College ‘10
Haitian Panelists:
- Guy Francois, Former Minister of the Diaspora
- Joseph Harold Pierre, Economist
- Michèle Pierre Louis, Former Prime Minister and Founder of FOKAL
Dominican Panelists:
- Eladio Fernández, Nature Conservation Expert and Photographer
- Milagros De Camps, Vice Minister, Ministry of Environment (Yale MA ‘17)
- Prof. Víctor Gómez Valenzuela, Environmental Economist and Professor at INTEC