Ambition and Chinese Hostility Push India Closer to the US

Narendra Modi, on his fourth visit to the United States as India’s prime minister, makes a case for strengthening ties between the two nations. The relationship centers on trade, defense cooperation and concerns about China. “Indian moves towards the United States are driven in large measure by China’s openly hostile acts vis-a-vis India,” explains author Harsh V. Pant. “The Modi government’s initial outreach towards China has not resulted in any improvement in bilateral ties. Instead China’s anti-India posture seems to have taken a new vehemence.” For example, China is anticipated to block India from membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, with its controls over nuclear-related exports, unless Pakistan is considered for membership, too. Modi is intent on India emerging as a leading global power, “not a non-aligned power or a bridging power, but a power that can shape global outcomes,” Pant argues. India requires US support for such a global role, he concludes, and the relationship requires solid domestic support within each country, too. – YaleGlobal