In the face of continued international concern over Russia’s activities in the Black Sea region, the MacMillan Center hosted a panel on the topic of “Challenges for Security and Stability in the Region of the Black Sea” on March 7 with Ambassador Kaha Imnadze, Permanent Representative of Georgia to the United Nations; Ambassasdor Vlad Lupan, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Moldova to the United Nations; Colonel Florin Romanz, Military Advisor, Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations; Rauf Alp Denktas, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations; and Colonel Mykhailo Kyrylenko, Military Advisor, Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations. The panel was chaired by Yuriy Sergeyev, the Rice Faculty Fellow at the MacMillan Center. (view video)
Ambassador Imnadze began the panel with a brief overview of the Black Sea region from Georgia’s perspective, and said there were three premises that informed his view of the region’s future. The first premise was economic.