John Roemer talks about Sustainability for a Warming Planet.

“Sustainability for a Warming Plant”

John Roemer is the Elizabeth S. and A. Varick Stout Professor of Political Science and Economics at Yale University. His research concerns political economy and distributive justice. Professor Roemer is a fellow of the Econometric Society, a past Guggenheim fellow and Russell Sage fellow, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a corresponding fellow of the British Academy. He has published many articles and books in economics, political philosophy and political theory, including a number of publications including Political Competition, Equality of Opportunity, Theories of Distributive Justice, and A General Theory of Exploitation and Class. Today we talk with him about a book he has recently written in collaboration with Humberto Llavador and Joaquim Silvestre titled Sustainability for a Warming Planet.

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