Video showcases progress from Yale alumni’s partnership with Yamoransa, Ghana

A new video titled “The Hope That the Present Has Brought Us” tells the story of the partnership that led to the creation of new community Information Communications Technology (ICT) Center and library in Yamoransa, Ghana.

Community leaders and residents gathered for an opening celebration at the center, joined by partners from the University of Cape Coast (UCC), AFS Ghana, Yale University and the Yale Alumni Service Corps (YASC), U.S. Ambassador to Ghana Robert P. Jackson, and other stakeholders.

The celebration of the ICT Center marked a milestone in an ongoing, sustainable partnership among Yamoransa, UCC, AFS Ghana, and YASC, which has included four visits there by groups of Yale alumni, family, and friends since 2012. To read more background about the work, visit YaleNews at:

The partnership continues to grow, with involvement from the GhanaThink Foundation, BarCamp Ghana, World Readers, Vodafone Ghana, TechAide, and others in Ghana and beyond. It is as a community-driven effort that has been hailed as an exemplar of how ICT Centers and libraries can promote education and development in similar communities.